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Make Every Hour of Your Life - Happy Hour

In this positively hilarious Keynote Performance, Jim Gentil offers up a triple shot of 100 proof fun! more

Putting Balance in Your Life

Remember, you are never to old to be what you could have been, wanted to be or desire to become. Life gives you ... read more

Stretch Your Potential

Now, Jim's bringing his powerful message to YOU, and you are absolutely going to be blown away! ... read more

Think Your Way to Success

You are going to laugh, and you are going to learn, and your entire view of the world around you is ... read more

Free Enterprise System

You know that when the colonist came to this country...the Indians ran it...there were no national debt ... read more

ABC - Attitude  -  Belief  -  Commitment

Jim Gentil - Mr. Positive - is a master architect of success, and he's here to demonstrate just how simple ... read more

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